Thursday, July 1, 2010

what if there aren't even ruffles?

There is this nothingness that has rolled into my home. At first it was once in a while and then every night I would get up from bed and just stay up for hours and not really go to sleep. When Philip works late I don't see him except for that hour in between where he's kicked his shoes off and is about to call it a night-- the brief conversations that we get without hearing the ticking sound in the back.

Nothing's wrong, but nothings happening.. usually I get weekends to reconnect with him. This weekend we're heading our separate ways, miles and miles apart. It's so strange for people to understand that I'm going to miss him since I live with him... but I barely ever spend quality time between the week with him.

I don't like all this time I've found for myself. I need a 9-5 soon before I start over analyzing everything.

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