Monday, May 28, 2012

how do you feel about the world family?

What is family?

Does it just apply to our blood relatives?

Or does marrying into your spouse's family change feelings, loyalty and obligations to terms bound originally for just our own 'family'.

How do you transfer all of these things? Does it happen when your signing your marriage certificate? What if you can only fall in love with the groom and not the rest of his 'party'?

The bigger question is, what if it never happens?

What if you never bond with his family, you never feel a sense of loyalty, no sense of obligation. They might as well be furniture to you. If you can't muster up any real feelings after spending so much time with them then what does that say about you?

I know, it says your a dick.

What I really want to say is this:

I wanted to do something nice for you, you didn't seem to think you should find a compromise. This is your world, we just live in it. Your an asshole for not wanting to share a beautiful moment, you've got your claws so deep in this thing that could've been such a beautiful moment to share, such a beautiful thing that we could've all enjoyed together but you want to shut it out afraid that what? we might ruin it?

Your mistake is depriving something of being loved by so many people. No one can ever take this away from you even if they tried but what you're doing is sabotaging this whole thing on your own. I will try very hard to over come my disappointment with you and not let it translate to this thing you're neglecting from us but you'll regret being such a controlling monster.

THIS is BEAUTIFUL and you didn't have to make it you against us.

you made your bed though, I sincerely hope all of this plays out very well for you.

and I don't care if you read this, that's the reason it's up here in the first place.